Family Promise of Tulsa County brings shelter, meals, and support services to families without homes. We are a cost-efficient, effective, and sustainable community response to family homelessness. Because we make use of existing community resources, we can be implemented quickly, without major start-up costs. There are six basic components to our Program.
As a result of the national pandemic, our program transitioned from a congregation rotation model to a full time apartment shelter program. Each fully furnished apartment shelter is used as a 30 to 90-day home for a family until they secure housing. When they do, a new family experiencing homelessness will enter the apartment shelter and receive the same intensive case management and services to help them become self-sufficient. The transition from a rotational model to an apartment shelter enabled FPTC to more than double the number of families we serve and has proven outcomes such as reduced stress on the parents and children and a reduction in time needed in our shelter.
Guests can access our Family Promise Resource Center from approximately 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M., where the Executive Director & a case manager, provide case management services. Guests pursue employment, participate in financial management. The Family Promise Center provides guests with a mailing address and a base for housing and employment searches. Many guests are employed during the day, while older children attend school.
The Family Promise Center of Tulsa County van transports guests to and from work, interviews, daycare and doctors appointments.
For families who have their own vehicles, FPTC provides up to two gas cards per month.
Since Family Promise of Tulsa County is a 501(c)3, the organization is financed through donations, grants, and fundraising events.
Family Promise of Tulsa County works in collaboration with other social service agencies. Local social service agencies refer families to our organization. Together, we help guests find housing, jobs, and other needed services.
Volunteers are essential to our success. They provide home cooked meals and or gift cards to families in our program. They hold supply drives and assist at the resource center.